Directorate Of Urban Policy & Strategic Planning
Being cognizant of the role of cities as engines of growth, Government of Sindh has established the Directorate of Urban Policy and Strategic Planning (UP&SP) in the Planning and Development Department, with the mandate to plan for sustainable urban development in the province to realize the objectives of economic growth, planned infrastructure development – dictated by a strong policy and regulatory regime and to also address inequities caused by intra-urban and regional disparities.

Our Vision
Support research activities, carry out studies, and prepare policies, plans and projects – as well as discourse with the citizenry and the intellectuals.
Provide technical support on policies and planning for urban development and more effective urbanization in Sindh.
Support economic regeneration, investment management, urban governance and municipal services by implementing development projects in the short, medium and long terms.
Establish urban resource center and promote reforms for urban economic and social development provide support to cities/ local administration and management on urban issues including preparation of development / master plans, surveys, GIS mapping and studies Pilot innovation, and work for capacity building.
Planning for sustainable urban development in the province and achieving the objectives of economic growth, planned infrastructure development – guided by a strong policy and regulatory regime in urban Sindh